Three Styles of Leadership
I recently heard a sermon on the three basic styles of authority which stem from the three basic styles of leadership.
The first is from the top down, that of a creator and manager who knows what’s best and directs us—vertical. Examples: corporations, the Armed Services.
The second is being governed by the opinion of the governed, by either vote or consensus—horizontal. Examples: a democracy, a Vestry.
The third overarches the first two and makes them irrelevant; it’s the authority of justice and compassion. This is the authority by which God will inspire us to think and act IF WE LET HIM. [See Phil. 2:13]. This is the new commandment Jesus gave us—to love each other AS HE LOVES US. This is the one which we need to pray to understand, since it may not always occur to us automatically to let it govern our lives. This is the one wherein we let our minds grow into the likeness of our Lord. This is the one of which we and the whole world are in such desperate need!
The first is from the top down, that of a creator and manager who knows what’s best and directs us—vertical. Examples: corporations, the Armed Services.
The second is being governed by the opinion of the governed, by either vote or consensus—horizontal. Examples: a democracy, a Vestry.
The third overarches the first two and makes them irrelevant; it’s the authority of justice and compassion. This is the authority by which God will inspire us to think and act IF WE LET HIM. [See Phil. 2:13]. This is the new commandment Jesus gave us—to love each other AS HE LOVES US. This is the one which we need to pray to understand, since it may not always occur to us automatically to let it govern our lives. This is the one wherein we let our minds grow into the likeness of our Lord. This is the one of which we and the whole world are in such desperate need!