Faith in...?
“Do you have faith” “ He’s a man/she’s a woman of faith.“ “ How strong is your faith?“ How many times have we heard—or said—these? When I hear or read about unqualified faith, I always
expect to hear words leading to trust, which means the answers to two questions. 1: Faith in whom or in what? 2. Faith that whom or what will do what? Without this information, faith seems simply to hover in the air, unattached, non-productive. With it, faith seems solid and reliable.
My faith is in God—I trust that He exists, that He loves me beyond my wildest dreams, and that He will make his perfect will happen in my life at a time that will turn out to be best for me. “He writes straight with crooked lines.” It’s that simple, and was carved out of almost ninety years’ experience learning about, then ignoring, and finally loving him. What about you?
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