Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What about Epiphany?

The Rev. Tom Ehrich writes: “Faith has hopes and dreams, but faith has no control. Even the most ancient act of control—the naming of people and the naming of the created order—merely gives labels to things that will spin out of control.” In the face of that, do we dare to announce our faith by celebrating a whole season—Epiphany—dedicated to spreading the faith, proclaiming the good news? What good news? Not the birthing of a newborn in a barn, but his love and power when we the open our hearts to let him run our lives, an entirely different matter. Now that’s faith in spades! This is so huge, so important, that it leads naturally to telling others the good news, always and everywhere, not just a few weeks a year. Do we do this, or is Epiphany just another recurring ho-hum church season?


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