Monday, May 20, 2013

Close Encounter!

Talk about scary events! I had a brush with death recently which re-reminded me that life is unpredictably fragile, and that being aware that God’s in control is the most comforting fact one can know. Briefly, over several weeks I’d been growing increasingly short of breath—couldn’t walk across a room without puffing. Finally, a couple of scans showed that both lungs had been showered with small clots broken off most of the big veins in one leg. If they’d all moved at once, we would have had a celebration of my life, and a couple of newsletters and a blog would need new editors! My gratitude is boundless, my humility palpable, and my appreciation of my love/best friend/wife Betsy indescribable. Don’t ask me if there’s a God, or whether Jesus really loves me—I’m living proof! Not because the Bible tells me so, but because He has been telling me so—over and over and over—for over forty years!. I can’t help but wonder how many of us get the opportunity of becoming starkly aware of his irrational insatiable affection for each of us?


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