Recently someone gave a loved one a sign quoting the beatitude “Blessed are the meek,” and it set this old brain recalling several sermons on just what did Jesus mean by “meek,” anyway? Did He mean “be a doormat—let anyone and everyone walk over you, use you at will,any time or anyplace”? Did He mean “don’t express your opinion—don’t even HAVE an opinion”? Is that really how He expects us to “inherit the earth?”
Hardly! I see this statement meaning “Blessed are the humble.” Step seven in the Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Step program, “humbly asked God to remove all these shortcomings,” spends almost the entire chapter on describing humility. It talks about coming into a right relationship with God and our fellows. It tells us that it’s something we grow to want and need and, for me, it stems from a profound feeling of gratitude to God for having brought me through life’s storms as unscathed as I am, showered with undeserved blessings. It means I am NOT the center of the universe. A far cry rom being a doormat!
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