Thursday, June 26, 2008


Almost every time I pray the Lord’s Prayer, my head gets stuck on that tiny two-letter word “as.” Let me explain. When we ask him to forgive us our trespasses [sins] AS we forgive those who trespass [sin] against us, what are we really asking—or, more precisely, what did Jesus direct us to ask? It seems important to understand this in order to establish the parameters of our being forgiven. (1) Did He mean “because” we forgive others? [the assumption is that we automatically do, that it’s a given—we proclaim that we always do that as a matter of course, and we jolly well better, or we won’t be forgiven at all!]. (2) Did He mean “to the extent that” we forgive others, implying that we can be partially forgiven—a wee bit or a whole lot, it’s up to us—depending upon how much we forgive how many trespasses? (3) Or are we saying that “when” or “after” we forgive others, we can lay claim on God’s promise of forgiveness—but until we do, we remain in a state of being unforgiven? I still don’t always offer instant forgiveness for perceived harms, but when I do forgive, it’s unreservedly, so I suspect that #3 is most accurate. What do you think that “as” means?